Pinon Unified School District #4

Johnson O'Malley Program

In accordance with the 25 CFR JOM Regulation, the Navajo Nation Johnson O’Malley (JOM) Guidelines, and Pinon Unified School District, the Johnson O’Malley Indian Education Committee (IEC) continuously evaluates and monitors the JOM Navajo Studies Program & Title VI Indian Education for effectiveness, making necessary improvements, and implementing changes to meet the educational needs of our Native American students. 

The JOM Program supports student achievement and technology integration through Navajo Language, Culture, History, Government, Immersion, and enrichment classes. 

The supplemental funding under JOM supports the following areas to ensure equitable services:

  1. Navajo Language & Culture 

  2. Supplemental Instructional Supplies

  3. Student Educational and Enrichment Travel


Johnson O'Malley Indian Education Committee

Sy25 JOM IEC meetings

Our Johnson O’Malley Indian Education Committee members are committed to providing well-rounded educational opportunities for all students at Pinon USD.

Current Johnson O’Malley Education Committee members:

  • Mrs. Saeville Yazzie - JOM IEC Chairperson - (Pinon/Black Mesa)

  • Ms. Nadine Narindrankura - JOM IEC Vice-Chairperson - (Hard Rock/Forest Lake)

  • Ms. Evelyn Mike - JOM IEC Secretary (Blue Gap/Tachee/Cottonwood)

  • Mrs. Juanita Ben - JOM IEC Member - (Whippoorwill Chapter/Low Mountain)

  • Mrs. Shawnee Smith-Tracy - JOM Member (Pinon/Forest Lake)

  • Ms. Camilla Hosteen - JOM Coordinator

  • Mrs. Roberta Begay - JOM Clerk

JOM IEC Meeting Agendas

JOM Education Plan

The Pinon USD #4 Johnson O'Malley (JOM) Indian Education Committee (IEC) members review and update the JOM Education Plan on an annual basis. The plans are available for you to review and if you have any questions, please call (928) 725-2140 or send an email to [email protected].

SY'2024-2025 JOM Education Plan

Dine Stories and Teachings Night SY'24-25

Sy24-25 Dine Stories and Teachings Night