Dine' Immersion Flyer


If you have a child that is eligible to enroll in Kindergarten and you would like for them to be exposed to the Diné language, enroll your child in the Kindergarten Diné immersion classroom at Pinon Elementary School.

The Kindergarten Diné immersion will be taught by Ms. Justina Jones and students will be instructed in 90% in the Diné language throughout the entire day. Students enrolled in this class will have the opportunity to participate in Specials classes such as Computers, PE, Navajo Language, and Navajo Culture.
In addition, caretakers will be provided support to encourage Diné language use within the home and the community. Classes for caretakers will be offered in the future.

If you are interested and would like to know more information, please contact PES Principal at 928-725-2201 or Diné Studies Program at 928-725-2178.